Thursday, June 28, 2007

Night Images

Last weekend we hung out with friends Stephan & Carrie on their land near Salida. We escaped the heat by running Brown's Canyon on their raft for both days. The water's still running super high, which was great news for all of us, because Carrie's a great guide and likes to hit the holes head on. So it was fun fun fun.

Nights were full of good dinners, drinking lots of wine, and running an assembly line of S'mores! The only pictures from the weekend were a handful I took one night. Everyone else was getting dinner prepped (thanks again!), the half moon was out, and Venus was shining super bright. Them's good makings for night photography, one of my favorite times to photograph. I forgot the tripod, so I had to go old school and rest the camera on my photo backpack and hit the self-timer. I'm always amazed how much light and color you can find at night....

Here's Venus over Mt. Wilson...

"Buttercup" all lit up...

Campfire blazin away...

Lynn, Stephan & Carrie watch the pasta cook...

I love the zoom lens, it creates the coolest lens flares shooting right at the sun or moon...

Our bottle of Merlot...

Zula hangs out by the fire...

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