Wednesday, June 27, 2007

"Got any good Wedding Stories?"

As wedding photographers, we are asked pretty often if we have "any good wedding stories". Honestly, we never really had a very unique story until now: Luke & Libby's. They are an awesome couple, and had an absolutely fantastic wedding day. Preparations were downtown Denver, their ceremony was at the beautiful St. Eliz's downtown, and the reception at the Denver Performing Arts complex....and once again, gorgeous Colorado weather was cued up for the whole day. Everything couldn't have gone better...until about 11:30pm toward the very end of the reception. Luke was cutting a rug out on the dance floor and suddenly slid to the floor. A few of us walked over to him thinking he was goofing around, maybe mugging for the camera....not the case. We got closer and saw the worried look on his face. Uh-oh, he's not joking. Within seconds friends and family were at his side, tending to his dislocated kneecap! I can't tell you what a hard thing that was to see. Of all the things that you would expect to happen during an otherwise amazing celebration, this was not one of them. We have to hand it to Luke, he remained as calm as could be, grinning and bearing it all the way. The EMT's arrived with the stretcher on the dance floor, tended to him right away, and off they went to the emergency room -- the newlyweds: Mr. & Mrs. Luke & Libby Hanna. While not the ideal exit and ending to their day, they totally took it in stride, and wrote to us the next day that "the ER couple was recovering nicely and looking forward to some beach time in Mexico". If anyone earned it, they did.

Luke & Libby - you guys rock!

Enjoy their story...

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