Thursday, June 07, 2007

Maryland Visit pt.2

We visited my family a couple weeks ago, and had a great time hanging out with my Mom, sisters Laura and Amy, and our nieces Katie & Julie. In keeping with my family pet name of "Uncle Clicky" (for that matter, Lynn and I are both "Aunt & Uncle Clicky"), we took tons of images of the girls being the super cuties that they are. We had a crab feast with 3 dozen steamed crabs, corn on the cob, salad, and of course beer. This must be heaven. The girls didn't crack any shells, but Julie loved the crab meat and kept coming over to the table and asking for some more. She must have some of that baltimore blood in her after all...

My sisters, Amy & Laura ready to dig in to dem crabs hon!

Katie & Julie investigate...

Julie's "scarry" face...

Aunt Lynn is the greatest...licking the pudding bowl with the girls...

Outside to play after dinner, running around by the light of the streetlight. Ahhh summer....

Julie was mesmerized by all the moths flying around the streetlamp...

She loves to smell stuff, especially Mommy's coffee.

Fun time on the couch, drawing princesses, watching cartoons, and being a cutie pie...

Katie showing Lynn her best sad face...

and her best diaper head...

No day is complete without draping yourself in Pop-pop's ties....

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