Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Highlands Mommies

We had the pleasure of attending and photographing the Highlands Mommies annual picnic on Sunday. The Highlands Mommies is a parent networking group in northwest Denver with over 1000 members! There must have been 3-400 at the picnic, with lots of awesome food, face painting, fire engines spraying water; the picnic works.

We were there photographing for Lynn's Illumine Photography , so we held a series of mini photo sessions with families and their kids, and shot a ton of candids throughout the afternoon. We left there with well over four hundred great shots of all the incredible cuteness. As you can imagine, picking our favorites from that many is an impossible task, but here's a large handful of favs to make you say "awwww"...


Andrea Flanagan said...

Beautiful images guys! You really captured the spirit of the HM families. Great work!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Andrea...of course its a lot easier with adorable kiddies like these! Cheers~ Dave & Lynn

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