Thursday, June 26, 2008


We're beyond words in excitement about being pregnant. The baby is due in January (thanks, Baby T, for coming in between wedding seasons!) Lynn is feeling great having carried through her first trimester....we already feel the "time flying by" of having a child. Regardless, we're so happy and wanted to share the news with all our friends, family, and clients out there. Thanks for your support!

Here is Lynn's 8, 9 and 12 week belly shots. As expected, there'll be many more images to come!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations guys!!! How exciting :).

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Lynn and David.
Tom and I wish you a healthy, bouncing, bundle of joy!
Lisa Mchenry

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news! And, it just makes me smile to see how excited you both are and how beautiful you look, Lynn. Best wishes to both of you on growing a family. —Abbie Kozik, Abbie Kozik Design LLC

VisitLaManzanilla said...

Wow! wonderful for you and Lynn! congratulations from June, Rick and soon to be 5-year-old Lyle!

Anonymous said...

Wow this is just incredible!!!

We are so happy for both of you.
Lynn you look great, lets see how big that belly is going to get...
god bless you and keep us posted.

Nico, Lucy ,Samuel, Zuchie and soon baby Emma.

Anonymous said...

You're so cute, I can hardly even stand it!! :) Even pregnant, you have a flatter stomach than I do! Ha! Can't wait to see you again - let's start planning...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to both of you!! We wish we would know when we had photo session with you. Lynn, you look great. You will be the cutest pregnant gal ever!!.. : )
Pat, Gordon and Megan

Anonymous said...

What wonderful news, congratulations! I'm so excited for both of you! Lynn, you'll be the cutest pregnant gal ever! : )

Dave & Lynn said...

THANK YOU so much to everyone who has sent us such beautiful comments! We are so excited to keep you updated on Baby Townsend!!

Lynn & Dave