Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Coming Soon: The New

The other day I was thinking about how long its been since I've updated my website. It was my last solo trip...let's africa. Oh Ma Gawd...that was in 2003.....Krikey! Four years ago?? That's really sad. "Why no updates?" you ask? I built the site myself (with a template start from a friend) that proved to be too time intensive and cumbersome to update the code, links to pages, links to those pages, links back to the other get the idea. Well, that will happen no longer.

I am pleased to announce I'm in the final stages of designing my New and Improved, face-lifted and updated website! I can barely contain myself, and I've been working on it long, late hours. Launch date isn't far away, and believe me, you'll know when its ready.

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