Sunday, October 28, 2007

TRAPEZE - Forget the Fear, Think about the Addiction!

To celebrate our sister-in-law Lisa's birthday, Andy came up with the great idea to go to Trapeze school! It's not so much a "class" as it is just getting harnessed up and giving it a fly. What an unbelievably fun time! The Imperial Flyers is an amateur Flying Trapeze and Circus Arts club operating a rig in Westminster, Colorado. They show you the ropes and then you just take turns flying on the trapeze bar. We were even able to pull off a couple tricks. It's pretty much a jungle gym for big kids. Perfect for our group, we're going back for sure!

my best advice is don't read the waiver, it'll only scare you. just sign it...

the uncertainty is showing on the birthday girl lisa's face, but we're not letting her leave without a try.

lisa and angie do their stretches...

lisa takes the "step of faith" -- 40 feet off the ground, unharnessed, socks on your feet, the heart begins to race...

the crew gets you harnessed up and secure (finally!) and talks you through the fact that you'll be jumping off the platform in just a few seconds...

and the first swing! pure adrenaline, with just a pinch of fear....but once you get your first swing, its an absolute blast!

and the release into the net...

lynn sidled up to the platform.

and couldn't stop laughing the entire time...

andy exhibits stellar form on the bar...or is that bart conner???

andy's release into the net....also a bit unnerving to let go of this thing when you're so far off the ground.

and the dismount flip back down to mother earth. so good to be on the ground again, but then you can't wait to go back up!

angie enjoying her swings, and narrowly avoiding a butt smack against the platform on the back end of a swing...

brian pulls off a great leg hang! its a little tough to force yourself to climb up on the bar and hang upside WHILE you're swinging....

not to mention the feeling of "what now???" when you're swinging upside down! it's actually pretty easy to climb back and grab the bar again...

brian's reverse hand hold to perform the "half-turn"

lisa and lynn both perform a couple awesome split maneuvers!

lynn dancing across the net of traquility....

happy birthday lisa!

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