Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Beautiful Family

Dave and I spend so much time with my family since they are right here in Denver with us. I am so GRATEFUL!! I can't tell you how much they all mean to me.

We have been so blessed to be around our nephews, Owen and Wesley, as they grow. In fact, I was lucky enough to live with my brother & sister-in-law for the first 6 months of Owen's life. It has changed me forever.

I was going back through our Christmas photos from this year, and procrastinator that I am, my family hasn't even seen any of these images yet..... ooops :) But, hey, we can celebrate Christmas in April, can't we?? :)

Owen is now 3 1/2 years old, and Wesley is 15 months. Andy & Lisa (my brother & sis-in-law) are incredible parents. I swear they have more fun with these boys in a day than some may have in their whole life-- what lucky boys! We are constantly taking "mental notes" on their parenting when the day comes for us.

Thank you to both of our families for loving us unconditionally. You enrich our lives every day, and we LOVE you ALL!!!

My sister-in-law Amy taught all of the "girls" how to knit this past winter, and this is the scarf that I made for my Grandmother. It turned out pretty funny, with squigly lines and random holes, but as a grandmother does, she loves it :) Can you believe she's 97 years old?? She is SOOO beautiful!

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