Monday, April 09, 2007

Wesley & Owen

Our nephews Owen (2) and Wesley (3mos) are defintiely the cutest boys we know. We had a great time with them celebrating Easter weekend, complete with egg dyeing, easter egg hunt, and of course an impromptu photo shoot! Wesley was a natural in front of the camera and was smilin' away on his first photo shoot, and Owen got the hair gel and gave himself a stylin' hairdo...the kid's gonna break some hearts!


and Owen....

The Boys...


Unknown said...

I have never seen such adorable children! The photography isn't bad either. :o)
Thanks Tia & Unca Dave!

Anonymous said...

We are old college friends of Lisa's that live on the east coast and regretably haven't met their 2 adorable children yet. Lisa frequently shares the great photos you take and your photography is fantastic - you truly capture their personalities. My husband and I took up photography a few years ago as a hobbie (focusing on travel photography mainly)...but you give us something to aspire too!