Thursday, October 19, 2006

Asia Slideshow a success!

Tonight Lynn and I just gave our first slide presentation from our visit to Southeast Asia! It was a great time with lots of new faces and lots of friends to catch up with, all in all about 70 people in attendance. Not too shabby for a Thursday night! This was the first show we put together that included still images and video (we shot the best we could with our Digital Elph). It really adds a new dimension to the traditional slideshow, we think it really brought the audience into the whole travel experience. Here's a few samples from the show. And check out the Asia slideshow we've got posted online!

Go To Asia Slideshow

Rice fields everywhere in northern Vietnam!

The kids were all sooo fun to play around with....

Hanoi Vietnam: 4 million people, 2 million motorbikes!

Angkor temples in Cambodia...

Hmong village woman making bead bracelets...

Angkor Wat, absolutely amazing temple at sunrise! Or anytime of day...

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