We spent last week in Maryland to celebrate and relax with both our families together for the first time since the wedding. Every time we're with our families, that means lots of images of our nieces Katie (4), Julie (2), and nephew Owen (2). So much fun being Uncle Dave and Tia Lynn...or, because I'm always shooting pictures, I've been dubbed "Uncle Clicky". We just can't help it, they're so dang cute! See for yourself...
Afternoon at the park. Katie and Julie luuuuuuuv the swing!

Owen contemplates autumn, and perhaps why that leaf is stuck to his shoe...

Jumping is fun, shouldn't we all jump more?

Katie likes to cuddle with mommy....

And Julie likes Big Air with daddy...

Owen had a blast checking out the boats at Baltimore's inner harbor...

Autumn on the east coast....color baby!