Thursday, December 07, 2006

Babies babies!

Lynn and I headed to Glenwood Springs last weekend to gather with friends (and their kids) for Lauren & Mike's baby shower. Their son is on the way and due next month! It's amazing how many kids are running around at our friend gatherings nowadays! Used to just be the young adults hanging out and boozin. Now there's bottles of formula and sippy cups thrown into the mix! Here's some shots from the weekend, including some of the (other) Townsends, and the newest and cutest addition to our friend & family circle, Piper Maurer.

Leslie gets breakfast from momma Kim...go Townsends!

Lauren holds Piper and practices "the cradle" for January's arrival...

Piper Maurer's little hand...

...and the rest of her!

The crew feasting on breakfast before heading out in the snow...

Scott and Piper...

Mike as seen through the looking glass...

Friday, December 01, 2006

Chocolate Country!

We were back east last week to celebrate Thanksgiving with the family. We had a great time with everyone, lots of eating, decorating the Christmas tree with our nieces....good wholesome fun. After the long weekend we drove my grandmother home in Pennsylvania. And that meant taking a detour through Hershey, PA...chocolate country! Its great driving down main street...uh I mean Chocolate Avenue.....even the street lights are chocolate kisses. All you need to do is roll all the windows down driving past the Hershey plant and smell cocoa in the air....Hershey, or Heaven? Either way, thank God for chocolate!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Kristin & J.R. ~ Colorado Backyard Beauty

Recently we photographed the wedding of Kristin & J.R. ~ a great couple here in Denver. Kristin's relatives generously offered up their home north of Boulder, CO for the ceremony and celebration, and wow what a beautiful place! They should start renting their place out for events. The whole day was really cool and laid back, just like we like to photograph! Timing was perfect for catching the last of the fall colors, as always making for great images and a beautiful wedding day for them....

Monday, October 30, 2006

Nieces & Nephew

We spent last week in Maryland to celebrate and relax with both our families together for the first time since the wedding. Every time we're with our families, that means lots of images of our nieces Katie (4), Julie (2), and nephew Owen (2). So much fun being Uncle Dave and Tia Lynn...or, because I'm always shooting pictures, I've been dubbed "Uncle Clicky". We just can't help it, they're so dang cute! See for yourself...

Afternoon at the park. Katie and Julie luuuuuuuv the swing!

Owen contemplates autumn, and perhaps why that leaf is stuck to his shoe...

Jumping is fun, shouldn't we all jump more?

Katie likes to cuddle with mommy....

And Julie likes Big Air with daddy...

Owen had a blast checking out the boats at Baltimore's inner harbor...

Autumn on the east coast....color baby!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Asia Slideshow a success!

Tonight Lynn and I just gave our first slide presentation from our visit to Southeast Asia! It was a great time with lots of new faces and lots of friends to catch up with, all in all about 70 people in attendance. Not too shabby for a Thursday night! This was the first show we put together that included still images and video (we shot the best we could with our Digital Elph). It really adds a new dimension to the traditional slideshow, we think it really brought the audience into the whole travel experience. Here's a few samples from the show. And check out the Asia slideshow we've got posted online!

Go To Asia Slideshow

Rice fields everywhere in northern Vietnam!

The kids were all sooo fun to play around with....

Hanoi Vietnam: 4 million people, 2 million motorbikes!

Angkor temples in Cambodia...

Hmong village woman making bead bracelets...

Angkor Wat, absolutely amazing temple at sunrise! Or anytime of day...

Friday, September 29, 2006

"Mawwage, that bwessed awwangement"...

Lynn and I are still reveling in the most amazing experience of getting married. We got engaged the end of March, started planning in May, and we got married September 10 - proving you can plan a wedding and have a blast doing it in 4 months! We're both amazed at how incredible a feeling it is. We had our wedding in the mountains of Colorado, and it was absolutely gorgeous with the yellow aspens, great weather for our outdoor ceremony, and family and friends to celebrate.

Here's a shot of our rings we took a few days ago on the last day of our honeymoon roadtrip around Colorado. The aspen leaves are a reminder of the surroundings that day, and the wheat represents a part of our ceremony where each person brought up a wheat stalk and gave us a wish, blessing or happy thought for our life together. A truly amazing part of the ceremony for about holding back the tears!

We must thank a few people for their efforts and just plain love that went into making our wedding the best day of our lives.


For being my wife!

~Ben & Judy~
For making the wedding possible, and all your LOVE and support!

~ Denny~
For our very special family ceremony!

For waiting 95 years for this day to come!

~Dave, Donna, Laura, Amy, Mike, Katie & Julie~
For your love and support and ALL OF YOU being there with us.

~Robin Peglow~
For being our "reverend"! We simply can't imagine having anyone else marry us.

~Jesse Placky & Trista DeSousa~
For an outstanding job of filming everything and especially setting up the live broadcast to the family back home. We can't tell you how much it was appreciated!
Jesse owns Trevnu, his video production company. Awesome point-of-view camera work and much more talent. Here's his details:

~Mark Cafiero, photographer~
For amazing images of the entire day. Thanks Mark and Jenny Campbell for beating the pressure of photographing the wedding of two wedding photographers and coming through STRONG! We never had a doubt. You guys absolutely rock.
Cafiero Photojournalism

~DJ Goatee - a.k.a Scott Maurer~
Thanks so much for your efforts and being the go-to guy for the music, audio/visual, electrical technician, and MC maestro...AV Geeks unite!

~Bev Kohzadi~
For arranging all our flowers in such a beautiful and creative way... what a gift!

~Heather Harmon~
For your incredible poem that we will remember forever, and an awesome assortment of teas for our guests at the reception... phenomenal. Check out Heather's website-- she has a wide array of organic tea blends for health, joy, and new mothers:

~Wild Horse Catering~
We love your food!

~Todd, Dave, Danny, Dave ~
For sharing your amazing musical talent!

~Linsey, Danni, Deana, and Jeff~
@ Snow Mountain Ranch -- Thanks for everything!

~Astrid Koch~
For Lynn's bead ceremony, you set the tone for the entire day for Lynn.

~Marc, Bill, Chuck~ for being Dave's best men.

~Lisa, Cindy, Heather~ for being Lynn's women of honor :)

~Andy & Lisa~ for your reading during the ceremony, HUGE help, support and logistics management!

~Mike & Lauren~ for sharing your love, heart and soul in our ceremony.

~Azar & Lacey~ for helping with the wheat during the ceremony.

~Everyone~ who was on the decorating looked awesome!

Thanks to all our friends and family who celebrated our marriage and made it a day we'll never forget.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Honeymoon Roadtrip!

After deciding to skip hurricane-ravaged Puerto Vallarta, we opted to stay in beautiful Colorado for our honeymoon for one of our favorite things---ROADTRIP! We borrowed our friends Stephan & Carrie's Westy (THANKS GUYS!) and hit the road....A gorgeous tour of Colorado, we visited some favorite areas and found some new ones. Sunshine, blue skies, rain, snow...we had it all, man we love this state!....Here's the first batch of images, enjoy!

The Westy gets prepped..

Zula's doggy smile says she's psyched for the trip, but I don't think she called shotgun.

First stop, the western slope to Palisade for the fresh fruit...

...and the grapes! We hopped on the bikes and toured the valley, tasting only a handful of the area's 40 vineyards, but ohhh so good. So many wineries, so little time, so fun to ride when you're buzzed on wine...

Mmmm, breakfast....grilled bagels with honey cinnamon butter and nectarines!

Lynn shooting the yellow aspens up on Grand Mesa, at 11,000ft, its the world's largest flat-topped mountain. Thats big. And beautiful.

On to Ridgeway in the San Juan Mtns. We treated ourselves to studio apartment lodging, hot springs, and massages!

And pumpkin ravioli with blue cheese cream sauce!.....and Lynn's new ring :)

We headed up to Yankee Boy Basin out of Ouray, one of the most bee-you-tiful places anywhere. We had an awesome bluebird dayhike up to Mt. Sneffels 14,150ft. Lynn carried our food, and I lugged up the 4x5 field camera up for some large format image-making.

Its always fun to wake up to new snow. Hey this ain't Mexico is it?

Definitely made for some great fall foliage photography with the snow coated evergreens.

The snow was blowing off the ground in Crested Butte, Lynn captured this gust beautifully.

And lots of snow on top of Cottonwood Pass. muddy wet roads on one side...

...and plenty dry on the other to haul ass on the bike!

Our last stop was further north to Fraser/Winter Park for one last swanky stay in a cabin in the woods, mimosas and truffles for breakfast, and hot-tubbin before heading home. What a trip!

We rode bikes to our ceremony site and I (symbolically) carried Lynn across the threshold...

We saw some awesome sunsets, here's a reflection of one of them in a pond near Devil's Thumb Ranch...

And one last soothing hot tub before heading home. We even ordered up a ranch burger and home style potatoes to go!

Coming Soon - The Honeymoon Slideshow!