Monday, January 28, 2008

David & Lynn return!

Ok, we admit its been a long time since we've posted to the blog. The holidays took us out of town for a few weeks, and since the new year, its been a whirlwind of wedding album designing, home selling and home searching. Now that the dust has settled, we're able to open up the lines of communication and get back in touch with all our friends, clients, and groupies. Ok, we don't know of any groupies, but in case there's one or two out there....

This week will surely be mark the return of the David Lynn eye candy, as we head to Kauai and Maui for 10 days. This is my first trip there, so I am reeeaaally looking forward to this one. We can't wait to get posting again, starting with images from the islands!

Stay in touch, drop us a line if its been a while, and we'll talk soon.

Dave & Lynn

Saturday, January 26, 2008


We're off to the islands tomorrow! Honolulu-Kauai-Maui. Sooo psyched to be visiting there for the first time. Lynn's been there once, so she can't wait to get back of course. Ok, so the forecast calls for showers all week. But who cares? That's why God created the Pina Colada, right? We'll be checking back in after the trip with lots of images from the the land of volcanoes. Cheers to all...

Since I don't have a picture from Hawaii, here's my itinerary. Looks good to me. Where's your next trip?