Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I have to admit that Dave posts the majority of our blog posts, and I am definitely indebted to him :) This morning, I have been working on our photos, and I wanted to share with you all how GRATEFUL I am. I am so grateful for my amazing husband..... I honestly never imagined that I would have the chance to marry someone as supportive, warm, full of life, honest, and hilarious :) as Dave is. We are compatible in ways that I never knew, and it is such a blessing to me that we get to work together daily. I love you babe :)

I am so grateful for the creation of David Lynn Photography. It took a huge leap of faith and a belief that our passion of photography would lead to something great. It has surpassed that. It has given us countless experiences to capture LOVE, and this has been the greatest gift. Experiencing the love between two people as they choose to join their lives and souls is incredible. Anyone who has been to a truly powerful wedding has seen this. But to watch it through the lens and actually capture these moments so that the couple never forgets.....this is amazing.

I am so grateful for the opportunity to live our lives through our passions. I am so grateful that our lives are built around experiencing love on a deep and truthful level, and I am so grateful to be doing all of this with my husband.

Thank you to the couples who have given us their complete trust to capture these moments. Thank you to the couples who have allowed us into their lives and with whom we've made an awesome connection. Life is so beautiful when we let it in. Thank you to all of you who have let us into yours ~

~ Lynn

Just a few images that make me happy :)

Thanks to Mark Cafiero for this photo!