Saturday, May 26, 2007

Wine in the Woods

Lynn and I were back in Maryland last week visiting my family, and it happened to be the weekend of "Wine in the Woods" in Columbia. We spent a few hours in the afternoon at the festival, toting our wine sampler glasses around to all of Maryland's best vineyard tents. And for all you math wizards out there....Unlimited Tastings = (1) Great Time. My friend Bill, his wife Paige and their kids Georgia and Will came along for the fun. Instead of wine, Will got a bottle and Georgia got a milkshake. Yummay....

I must say that wine & friends are a great combination.

lynn, bill & will, paige & georgia

face painting for the kiddies...

will gets the bottle....

will is a happy boy...

georgia gets going with her milkshake...

and the sugar kicks in!

lynn gazing longingly at the cabernet and shiraz...

Monday, May 07, 2007

photography (n) 1. seeing the beauty

I know it sounds a little cliched, but the simple fact is that beauty is everywhere. Nothing makes me see that more than photography, and recognizing it has become such a part of my everyday being that I don't even think about it anymore. I just see it. It never ceases to amaze me how you can find fascination in the plain, ordinary and everyday. It's a simple concept, but when you get it into your consciousness things don't seem so ordinary anymore. One of my favorite places to look for the mundane is on the ground, and I take great pleasure in lying on the ground in the middle of the woods, or a meadow, or a hillside with my camera and seeing the world from inches high....getting up close and personal with things I'd otherwise walk by or even step on...then creating art from it. That totally does it for me, and is one of a million reasons why I love to shoot.

I recently read a passage by photographer David Baird that sums it all up in verse far superior to my rantings:

"Walk softly, lest in your haste
you miss a thousand things of beauty,
partly hidden or in plain sight
in the most mundane places.
In the big view, or in tiny crevices,
intriguing patterns may be left to
fade into grey environmental blur
without satisfying that human curiousity
that comes, not just with passing by,
but with pausing to see, understanding and feeling."

deep enough for ya? enjoy these images of nature shot from inches high... -dave

Friday, May 04, 2007

Jim and Catalina's Florida Wedding

We were so honored to photograph the wedding of long-time family friends, Jim Loveman and Catalina Asanza. Jim and Cat live in Phili, but they decided to get married in Hollywood, Florida where Catalina grew up. Their wedding weekend was full of golf-outings, a pig roast fiesta, and beach time for friends. The reception was held at the luxury (and we mean luxury!!) Diplomat Country Club and Spa. It has the air of an Italian villa with fountains, terraces and green rooftops hidden under fuschia bougainvillea. This is an EXCEPTIONAL resort with phenomenal service; we felt like stars!

Working with the Diplomat's Tracy Jovanovich, Jim and Cat chose the most beautiful colors and details for their wedding ~ be sure to check out their amazing cake and centerpieces!

Their friends came from all over the United States and the world, and it's not hard to figure out why. Jim and Cat are two of the most down-to-earth and generous couples we know. You just feel good being around them :) They are now on their honeymoon in Africa!! We can't wait to hear all their stories when they return.... Congratulations Jim and Catalina!

To see even more highlights from their wedding, visit:
1. David Lynn Photography
2. Click "My Wedding"
3. Enter password "lovemanwedding" and press submit

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Lucy & Nico engagement

We are super excited to be photographing Lucy and Nico's wedding next month, and we headed to Red Rocks to shoot some engagement images for them. Lucy & Nico are a super cool couple, lots of fun, and very excited to be together and getting married, which makes our job really easy and so much more fun. It was hard to pick some favorites from this session, because they're so dang cute! Enjoy these pictures as much as we enjoyed making them....

like we said, they're excited....

and they've got the moves....

and of course the family portrait...