Lynn and I headed to Glenwood Springs last weekend to gather with friends (and their kids) for Lauren & Mike's baby shower. Their son is on the way and due next month! It's amazing how many kids are running around at our friend gatherings nowadays! Used to just be the young adults hanging out and boozin. Now there's bottles of formula and sippy cups thrown into the mix! Here's some shots from the weekend, including some of the (other) Townsends, and the newest and cutest addition to our friend & family circle, Piper Maurer.
Leslie gets breakfast from momma Kim...go Townsends!

Lauren holds Piper and practices "the cradle" for January's arrival...

Piper Maurer's little hand...

...and the rest of her!

The crew feasting on breakfast before heading out in the snow...

Scott and Piper...

Mike as seen through the looking glass...